Sunday, June 28, 2009


a cute mr.O appear in billion, parit buntar.

look!! we have the same smiling face..

Friday, June 26, 2009


  1. 成熟的男人知道自己想要什么,而不是什么都要,懂得坚持也懂得放弃。
  2. 成熟的男人要勇于承担责任,虽然有些过错并不是他造成的。
  3. 成熟的男人是宽容的,过于计较是男人最不能原谅的错误。
  4. 成熟的男人拥有大智慧,而不是小聪明。
  5. 成熟的男人一言一行能让女人学到很多东西,而小男生只能让女人教他。
  6. 成熟的男人懂得珍惜和照顾女人,出去郊游,他一定不是自顾自跑在最前面的人。
  7. 成熟的男人不会在大街上和女人吵架。
  8. 成熟的男人不会强迫女人穿他喜欢而她不喜欢的衣服。
  9. 成熟的男人不会随便和女人开低级玩笑。
  10. 成熟的男人让女人知道她错了,却不会让她没面子。
  11. 成熟的男人让女人放松而不会让女人紧张。

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


megalanes of megamall, butterworth.

my cute sister ''hui fen''

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Friday, June 12, 2009

my ''friends''

i met my ex-boyfriends in the same day. one of them will marry on this sunday and another came back from singapore for attending his younger sister wedding ceremony on this saturday. why can meet both friends in the same day?? is it weird?? when i met them, there were lots of thinking inside my mind. but i dont know how to describe it..
let it pass is what i can do now.
no need to make things complicated.

Monday, June 8, 2009

new style burger


Saturday, June 6, 2009


this is my breakfast. i took this idea from ''gOoD iDea'' tv progmmare.
ingredient of making these included:
kaya, blueberry, chocolate

it not only look nice but good taste too. yeah! ^.^